- Low blood pressure,causes.symptoms & treatment
what is low blood pressure?
➲A low blood pressure reading has a level of 90/60 mmHg or less.
Just one of the numbers must be lower than it ought to be to consider low blood pressure.
If the upper number is 90 or less (regardless of the lower number), this may be low blood pressure
If the lower number is 60 or less (regardless of the higher number), this may be low blood pressure.
➲what causes low blood pressure?
➤Dehydration is common among patients with prolonged nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or excessive exercise, which diverts blood from the organs to the muscles. Large amounts of water are lost when vomiting and with diarrhea, especially if the person does not drink adequate amounts of liquid to replace spent water.
Other causes of dehydration include exercise, sweating, fever and heat exhaustion or heat stroke. People with mild dehydration may experience only thirst and dry mouth. Moderate to severe dehydration can cause orthostatic hypotension (manifested by dizziness, dizziness or fainting when standing up). Prolonged and severe dehydration can cause shock, kidney failure, confusion, acidosis (too much acid in the blood), coma and even death.
➤Moderate or serious blood draining can rapidly exhaust a person's assemblage of blood, prompting low circulatory strain or orthostatic hypotension. Draining can result from injury, careful difficulties, or from gastrointestinal anomalies, for example, ulcers, tumors, or diverticulosis. Occasionally, the bleeding can be so intense and rapid (for example, bleeding from a ruptured aortic aneurysm) that causes shock and death quickly.
➤Severe inflammation of the organs inside the body, such as acute pancreatitis, can cause low blood pressure. In acute pancreatitis, the fluid leaves the blood vessels to enter the inflamed tissues around the pancreas, as well as the abdominal cavity, concentrating the blood and reducing its volume.
➤Drug toxicity: Medications such as digoxin (Lanoxin) or beta blockers for high blood pressure can delay the transmission of electricity in the heart chemically and can cause bradycardia and hypotension. some Drugs that cause low blood pressure .
➤The weakened heart muscle can cause the heart to fail and reduce the amount of blood it pumps. A common cause of the weakening of the heart muscle is the death of a large part of the heart muscle due to a single large heart attack or repeated smaller heart attacks. Other examples of conditions that can weaken the heart's ability to pump blood include toxic medications to the heart, infections of the heart muscle from viruses (myocarditis) and heart valve diseases, such as aortic stenosis that reduce blood flow from the heart. Heart to the arteries.
➤Heart block: Heart block occurs when specialized tissues that transmit electrical current in the heart are damaged by heart attacks, degeneration by atherosclerosis and medications. The heart block prevents some or all of the electrical signals from reaching parts of the heart, and this prevents the heart from contracting as it would otherwise.
➲symptoms of low blood pressure.
Symptoms of orthostatic hypotension: moving from a sitting or lying position to a standing position often shows symptoms of low blood pressure. This occurs because standing makes the blood "settle" in the veins of the lower body, and this can reduce blood pressure. If the blood pressure is already low, standing may make the blood pressure worse, to the point of causing symptoms. The development of lightheadedness, dizziness or fainting on standing caused by low blood pressure is called orthostatic hypotension. Normal individuals can quickly compensate for the low pressure created by standing up with the answers discussed above and do not develop orthostatic hypotension
Heart disease: chest pain (a symptom of angina) or even a heart attack can occur when blood pressure is insufficient to bring blood to the coronary arteries.the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle.
Kidney disease: when insufficient blood is supplied to the kidneys, the kidneys do not eliminate waste from the body, for example, urea (BUN and creatinine), and increases in their blood levels.
Shock is a life-threatening condition: in which persistent low blood pressure causes organs such as the kidney, liver, heart, lungs and brain to fail rapidly.
➲Treatment for low blood pressure
Most people with low blood pressure do not need medications or other medical interventions to increase blood pressure. There are many natural ways and lifestyle changes to raise low blood pressure, including the following lifestyle changes.
1➤Eat more salt
Contrary to popular advice, low sodium diets are not good for all people with low blood pressure problems.
People with low blood pressure should consider increasing their sodium intake moderately to help increase blood pressure.
2➤Avoid alcoholic drinks.
Alcohol can further reduce blood pressure, so people with low blood pressure should avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.
3➤Discuss medications with a doctor.
Low blood pressure can be a side effect of a variety of druge (medications).
If the symptoms of low blood pressure begin after starting a medication, a person should discuss the symptoms with their doctor.
4➤Cross your legs while sitting
Crossing the legs while sitting increases blood pressure. For people with high blood pressure don't do this.
For people with symptoms of low blood pressure, crossed legs can help increase blood pressure with minimal effort.
5➤. Drink water
Drinking more water can help increase blood volume, which can relieve one of the possible causes of low blood pressure. It can also help prevent dehydration
6➤. Eat small meals frequently
Eating smaller and more frequent meals during the day can help with low blood pressure.
This is because smaller meals help prevent a drop in blood pressure associated with eating larger and heavier meals.
7➤Wear compression stockings
Compression stockings help to reduce the amount of blood that is trapped in the lower part of the legs and feet, so they move it elsewhere.
Compression stockings are also used to help relieve the pressure and pain associated with varicose veins. They are available to buy online.
8➤Avoid sudden changes of position
Sitting or standing quickly can cause dizziness, dizziness or potential fainting in people with low blood pressure.
9➤Watch for the symptoms.
Low blood pressure is only considered a problem if there are symptoms. If there are no symptoms(problam) present, low blood pressure should be taken as a sign of good health(monitor your blood pressure).
It is important for a person to know the symptoms and what to look for if their low blood pressure begins to cause problems.