Diabetes ( Types,symptoms and treatment )


What is Diabetes?

Diabetes ( Types,symptoms and treatment )

Diabetes is a sickness that happens when your blood glucose, additionally called glucose, is excessively high. Blood glucose is your fundamental wellspring of vitality and originates from the nourishment you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, enables glucose from nourishment to get into your cells to be utilized for vitality. Some of the time your body doesn't make enough or any insulin or doesn't utilize insulin well. Glucose at that point remains in your blood and doesn't arrive at your cells.
After some time, having an excessive amount of glucose in your blood can mess wellbeing up. Despite the fact that diabetes has no fix, you can find a way to deal with your diabetes and remain solid.

Types of Diabetes :-

Type 1 diabetes 

Type 1 diabetes is accepted to be an immune system condition. This implies your invulnerable framework erroneously assaults and devastates the beta cells in your pancreas that produce insulin. The harm is lasting. 

What prompts the assaults isn't clear. There might be both hereditary and natural reasons. Way of life factors aren't thought to assume a job. 

Type 2 diabetes 

Type 2 diabetes begins as insulin obstruction. This implies your body can't utilize insulin productively. That animates your pancreas to deliver more insulin until it can never again stay aware of interest. Insulin creation diminishes, which prompts high glucose. 

The specific reason for type 2 diabetes is obscure. Contributing elements may include: 


➜lack of activity 

➜being overweight 

➜There may likewise be other wellbeing factors and ecological reasons.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is due to insulin-blocking hormones produced during pregnancy. This type of diabetes only occurs during pregnancy.


General symptoms of diabetes include:

➜excessive thirst and hunger
➜frequent urination
➜drowsiness or fatigue
➜dry, itchy skin
➜blurry vision
➜slow-healing wounds

Type 2 diabetes can cause dark spots on the skin folds in the armpits and neck. Since type 2 diabetes often takes longer to diagnose, you may feel symptoms at the time of diagnosis, such as pain or numbness in your feet.

Type 1 diabetes often develops more quickly and can cause symptoms such as weight loss or a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis. Diabetic ketoacidosis can occur when you have very high blood sugar levels, but little or no insulin in your body.

Symptoms of both types of diabetes can appear at any age, but type 1 usually occurs in children and young adults.

Type 2 occurs in people over 45 years. But younger people are increasingly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes due to sedentary lifestyles and weight gain.

Treatment :-

Depending on what type of diabetes you have, blood sugar monitoring, insulin and oral medications may play a role in your treatment. Eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight and participating in regular activity also are important factors in managing diabetes.

Treatments for all types of diabetes:-

A significant piece of diabetes control, just as your general wellbeing, is keeping up a solid load through a sound eating regimen and exercise plan:

Solid nourishment. As opposed to well known recognition, there is no particular eating routine for diabetes. You should concentrate your eating routine on more organic products, vegetables and entire grains, nourishments that are wealthy in sustenance and fiber and low in fat and calories, and diminish creature items, refined starches and desserts. Truth be told, it is the best dinner plan for the entire family. Sugary nourishments are fine every so often, as long as they are considered piece of your dinner plan.

Notwithstanding, getting what and the amount to eat can be a test. An enlisted dietitian can assist you with making a feast plan that accommodates your wellbeing objectives, nourishment inclinations and way of life. This will presumably incorporate sugar tallying, particularly in the event that you have type 1 diabetes.

Physical action. Everybody needs normal oxygen consuming activity, and individuals who have diabetes are no exemption. Exercise lessens the degree of glucose by moving sugar to the cells, where it is utilized for vitality. Exercise additionally builds your insulin affectability, which implies that your body needs less insulin to move sugar to your cells. Get approval from your primary care physician to work out. At that point pick exercises that you appreciate, for example, strolling, swimming or cycling. The most significant thing is to make physical movement part of your every day schedule. Record in any event 30 minutes or a greater amount of oxygen consuming activity on most days of the week. In the event that you have not been dynamic for some time, start gradually and continuously increment.

                                             tips do's & don't's

➤Low sugar diet

When someone with diabetes has low blood sugar, a tablespoon of honey can help raise glucose levels. However, sugar is often considered the nemesis of diabetes because of how quickly it can increase blood glucose levels.

If you have diabetes, you should closely monitor your sugar intake, especially refined sugar and other forms of simple carbohydrates. In addition to low-sugar foods, you should also eat low-fat foods and a well-balanced diet.

➤Low fat diet

Foods high in sodium, saturated fat, cholesterol and trans fat can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. However, that does not mean that you should avoid all fats. Foods rich in good

Fats, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, can help reduce cholesterol levels.

Try replacing the refined oil with olive oil, and nuts are also good sources of this nutrient.

Foods to Avoid:-


• Whole meat
• Mutton
• Processed foods
• High-fat dairy products like whole fat milk, cheese, butter, etc
Fruits and Vegetables
Balancing carbohydrates, fats, and sugars is integral to a diabetes-friendly diet. While processed
and refined carbs are bad for you, whole grains and dietary fiber (good carbs) are beneficial in many
ways.Whole grains are rich in fiber and beneficial vitamins and minerals. Dietary fiber helps with
digestive health, and helps you feel more satisfied after eating.

Foods to Eat:-


• Leafy green vegetables & Lettuce
• All Nuts (Peanuts, Almonds, Cashews, Walnuts, etc)
• Whole grains (Brown Rice, Whole wheat roti, Wheat bead, Oats, Quinoa, Millet, etc)
• All Seeds (Flaxseed, Sesame seeds, Chia seeds, etc)
• Low-fat dairy products
• Beans, Channe and peas
• Fresh low-sugar fruits (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, pears, melon,
grapefruit, apple and cherries)

Fruit to Avoid:-

• Watermelon
• Pineapple
• Raisins
• Apricots
• Grapes
• Oranges

Complex Carbs (Starches) :-

Starches are another type of food your body converts into blood glucose. They not only provide a
source of energy but also vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Whole grain starches are the healthiest
because they maximize nutrition and break down into the bloodstream slowly.I recommend at least
one serving of starch at every meal.

Foods to Eat:-

• Whole Grain Bread
• Whole Grain Pasta,
• Whole Grain Cereal,
• Brown Rice,
• Whole Wheat Roti
• Sweet Potato

Foods to Avoid:-

• Potato chips
• Packaged snacks
• Candy bars
• White Rice
• White Bread
• Refined Aata
• White Naan
• White Potato
• Soft Drinks
• Packed Juices
• Indian Sweets

Cut back on refined carbs and sugary drinks. White bread, white rice, white pasta and potatoes
cause quick increases in blood sugar, as do sugary soft drinks, fruit punch, and fruit juice.Overtime,
eating lots of these refined carbohydrates and sugar may increase your risk of type 2 diabetes. To
lower your risk, switch to whole grains.