Hair loss,symptoms-causes-treatments

Hair Loss

what is hair loss ?

Hair loss,(symptoms-causes-treatments)

Hair loss can affect only the scalp or the entire body. It can be the result of inheritance, hormonal changes, medical conditions or medications.Anybody can encounter balding, yet it is increasingly regular in men.
Baldness generally refers to excessive hair loss from the scalp. Inherited male pattern baldness with age is the most widely recognized reason for hairlessness . Some people prefer to let their hair loss run its course without treatment or hidden. Others can cover it with hairdos, cosmetics, caps or scarves. And still others choose one of the available treatments to prevent further hair loss and restore growth.

Symptoms of Hair loss.

Male pattern baldness can appear from multiple points of view, depending on the reason. It might show up out of nowhere or steadily and influence just the scalp or the whole body. A few kinds of balding are brief and others are permanent

Signs and symptoms of hair loss may include:

Gradual thinning on top of head.

This is the most common type of hair loss, which affects both men and women as they age.In men, hair regularly starts to retreat from the temple in a line that takes after the letter M . Women generally retain the hairline in the forehead, but widen the part of the hair.

Circular or patchy bald spots. 

Some people experience smooth baldness, about the size of a coin. This type of hair loss usually affects only the scalp, but sometimes it also occurs in the beards or eyebrows. In some cases, your skin may cause itching or pain before the hair falls out.

Sudden loosening of hair.

 A physical or enthusiastic stun can make the hair extricate. Handfuls of hair may come out when combing or washing your hair or even after gentle pulling. This type of hair loss usually causes general thinning of the hair and not bald patches
Patches of scaling that spread over the scalp.
This is a sign of ringworm. It can be accompanied by broken hair, redness, swelling and sometimes suppuration.

Causes Hair loss;

People usually lose about 100 hairs a day. This usually does not cause a noticeable thinning of the scalp hair because at the same time new hair grows. Hair loss occurs when this cycle of hair growth and detachment is interrupted or when the hair follicle is destroyed and replaced with scar tissue.
Hair loss is usually related to 1 or more of the following reason:
Family history (inheritance)

➤The most widely recognized reason for male pattern baldness is an innate condition called male example hair sparseness or female example hairlessness.It usually occurs slowly with maturation and in non-surprising examples: a hairline in retreat and spots discovered in men and hair loss in women.

➤Hormonal changes and medical conditions.

An assortment of conditions can cause perpetual or impermanent male pattern baldness, including hormonal changes because of pregnancy, labor, menopause and thyroid issues. Ailments incorporate alopecia areata, which causes sketchy male pattern baldness, scalp contaminations, for example, ringworm and a hair pulling issue called trichotillomania.

➤Medications and supplements.

Hair loss can be a side effect of certain medications, such as those used for cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems, gout and high blood pressure.

➤A very stressful event.

Many people experience a general thinning of the hair several months after a physical or emotional shock. This type of hair loss is temporary.

➤Certain hairstyles and treatments.

Excessive hairstyle or hairstyles that tense your hair, such as pigtails or braids, can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. Hot and permanent oil hair treatments can cause inflammation of the hair follicles that leads to hair loss. If scars occur, hair loss could be permanent.

Treatment of Hair loss.

Scalp massage.

Hair loss,(symptoms-causes-treatments)

Not only do massages feel wonderful and relaxing, but they can help with your hair loss, too. Massaging the scalp stimulates the hair follicles.

A balanced diet.

Hair loss,(symptoms-causes-treatments)

A well-balanced diet can keep your hair in good shape.Be sure to include a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, unsaturated fats and lean proteins in your diet, and limit your intake of sweets.

Certain nutrients and minerals found in food are associated with healthy hair.

Try adding in these types of foods:-

➜iron-rich foods, including lean beef, beans, green leafy vegetables, iron-fortified grains, and eggs
➜foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such salmon, mackerel, tuna, flax seeds, egg yolks, hemp seeds, and walnuts
➜high-protein foods, like eggs, lean meats, and seafood
➜ Avoid artificial sugars
➜Wash your hair before going to bed if you happen to use any hair product such as gel,spray, wax,serum

Reduce stress
Hair loss,(symptoms-causes-treatments)

Stress can really do a number on the body, including your hair. Hair loss may be a result of a stressful lifestyle.

Strategies to reduce stress include:-

➤regular exercise
➤listening to music
➤doing yoga

➤Getting enough sleep is also essential.